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Signs and Symptoms

The main sign that determines if a child has Cleft Lip/Palate is if the tissue that make up the lip and palate do not form together making a split.

A doctor can diagnose Cleft Lip and Plate in an ultrasound during pregnancy and is confirmed at birth. 

Cleft Lip/Palate is genetically passed on alone or through a combination of genes and environmental factors.


The oral motor system and the respiratory system are both affected by Cleft Lip and Palate.


The oral motor system are the muscles in the mouth, jaw, tongue, lips, and cheeks. with Cleft Lip/Palate affect it by making it difficult to swallow liquids and eat food without a fully formed Lip or Palate.


The respiratory system is affected by Cleft Lip/Palate because it is difficult to breathe because of nasal deformities.

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